Thursday, December 30, 2010

Game Time: First entry

This is how it works I'll write a piece and you comment on the story & your feelings about the people. Then you do one. It all about perception and how different it is depending on the person.

You can't use names in the your writing.
It dosnt matter how long or short it is.
It MUST be something original. Nothing from other works!!!
It has to have a one word Title.

& To feel your touch
that would set me free
Tame this fire
Burning deep
To fall asleep in your srms
drift away beneath the stars
With you safe beside me your heart
pounding its tempting tune
& if it comes to be
I'm send away
In my heart andin mysoul
We'll drift away.


  1. it has a clean flow. i love the stars part. i always wanted to lay on the beach looking up at the stars...maybe i can find love in north carolina
